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richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
3 months ago

im a disabled combat war vet retired they took my soc sec away from me because my paper work wasnt perfect when they did my reveiw after 30 years they needed it for an illeagal i guess!

3 months ago

We, the Patriots of Common, are patiently waiting …. but it is getting harder by the day. The evil keeps happening to innocent children and older. This makes for sickening day after sickening day. One can only take so much before one may take action themselves …. the corruption is soooo deep, one cannot trust anyone in any “authoritve” position.
How long do you expect one to wait …. and wait …. and wait?
I am in control, but others I know are beginning to lose it.
Can I get a reply?
I am aware of the plan, the executive orders, the flight plans, the military actions, etc …. though the loss of friends and “acquaintances” throws” one into a world which they travel a very lonely path …. if the citizens are not backed by what we know, then a civilian and citizen upheaval is imminent. This is not what we want …. we want to see the actions, see the tribunals and exeQshuns.
A salute to all of our Patriots of the Military …. it is our only hope , 2nd to God.
God Speed, and never stop praying, as God is fully aware and fully in control. His promise has kept us faithful and stable.
God bless all involved!
Sincerely and Respectfully ….

3 months ago

Ken’s story blessed me so much. Thanks for all you do and lets continue to pray for our nation and each other

James King
James King
3 months ago

There is always something BIG is coming, yet NOTHING is revealed to the public. One can see something definitely is wrong, but when will right be revealed?

Cynthia Smith
Cynthia Smith
3 months ago

Thank-You! Restored,

This is not only glorious, it’s also beautiful. GREAT REPORT. This is GOD in effect. I asked him, if there be 10 who have not bowed the knee, would he spare the US. This is so Holy. He’s so so awesome. My soul cries out to the Living God. Everyday with him is better than the last. Flight Attendants, prepare for departure!

3 months ago

Hey guy, you’ve been saying this 10 days of darkness is gonna happen. You’ve been talking this for four years now aren’t you sick and tired of even saying it I mean four years and nothing’s happened come on guy just like the guy on telegram said there’s gonna be no three days of darkness. He doesn’t know how that started, he says it’s

Lorinda Madore
3 months ago

I started reading the Book of Mormon long ago and was hooded on the first page. It is the most true book in the world as it was transcribed only once and is the same now.It was written at the same time as the Bible but on the American continent. I hope you decide to read it, you will be fascinated.

Sad Eyes
3 months ago

’76, Southern Illinois. So, at fourteen, I was arrested for a horrible crime that I couldn’t remember commiting. Not sure if it was county jail or a prison, but I was standing in front of a door, when one of the guards told me to strip down, so I did.
He handed me a black, silky, nightie, and told me to put it on. I refused. They threatened me with a beating, so I put it on. They opened the door and shoved me in.
I was in the dayroom of a unit, and didn’t see one White guy. There must have been at least twenty Black inmates, waiting for me. I walked to the nearest one, and swung, but missed. First, I was beaten half to death. And you know what happened next.
I was gang raped. All night. No guards around.
Yep. A fourteen year old, skinny White kid, raped by a bunch of Black F*gg*ts.
I can’t find any account of it happening anywhere. And I know why. It was payback. Payback for helping in trying to stop the satanic, Child Trafficking and Murder ring I had been trapped in, back in the early ’70s.
It was also a warning ⚠️, in case I ever talked. Don’t know how long I was I was stuck in there with that trash. They passed me around.
It was all covered up, and they took that memory and locked it up in my head, like all the others.
Did you know that I had four different stepmothers, until Dad passed away? Months after all that, in January of ’77, Dad had arrived to take me and my two brothers, to move on base at Ft. Leonard Wood, in MO.
Seems he had recently gotten remarried. To a Captain!
Heard she was still kicking. Col. Karen Annette Seipp, US Army, retired.

3 months ago

just ein again, who is rich now , as promised on Jan 2023?!

3 months ago

just ein again, who is rich now , as promised on Jan 2023?! also zimbabwe did NOT back a coin m it backed a TOKEN with gold but only low mintage gold and cannot be converted to gold so it is again , …. worthless same crap in a different coat!!

Jenifer Wilde
3 months ago


Lorinda Madore
3 months ago

zero comments? I guess I always say something you don’t like so I quit.

3 months ago

The Social Security Gma from Morocco and Tblisi, is getting Social Security Insurance, SSI. NOT SSA. The max for an individual is $943.00 a month. Starting crap without having the facts, no bueno.

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