Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 2, 2022



Author : Judy Byington

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Larry M
Larry M
2 years ago

Just arrest all the corrupt politicans and end this. Holding secrets from the people is no better than the ones you pretend to protect us from. This a transfer of wealth but to who the new masters meanwhile the people continue to take the brunt of the suffering. Everything is criptic tier 1 thru 4 means nothing and no explanations of their meaning Nesara and Gesara have no verifiable information. All resources taken from earth are the property of all the people of earth where is our payment of said resources. Governments and militaries have no authority over sovern people so abolish them now go home and dismantle all of them now your services are no longer needed

2 years ago

I cannot believe the utter stupidity of usa defense having FUCKING CHINESE making F-35 parts on one of our top fighter jets, and you wonder why they can almost make identical look alikes,that can wipe out any advantage, as they make INFERIOR LOW QUALITY STEEL, OR METAL — AND THEY ARE OUR enemy to Wit!!!! This is treason alone.
As to Duncan Roads- You are a full blown daffy duck cabal ballooni buffoon, and you were born in a pig pen while your mom was drunk and swore and smacked your head with her knick knacks paddy whacking you, while all the piggys snorted and laughed their asses off.
Go fuck yourself!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave Petrovic
Larry M
Larry M
2 years ago

Bring on the EBS time for full disclosure otherwise risk losing 25% of the patriots they’ve had enough of the fake movie they’re just lies way past time for the whole truth and we can end the nitemares. Continuly pushing the the timelines doesn’t cut it any longer gear up get it done or the populas will and that outcome won’t be good for anyone If God is trully in control he could end this with just a word and would need all theatrics

john linley
john linley
2 years ago

PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE ! Regretfully, my patience is diminshing. Some moderate
corrobororation by military, or others, is seriously lacking in daily reports. Time keeps
passing and restored republic is less and less about “RESTORE” and, more and more just “NEWS”. Am I missing something? Doubtful about: “MASS ARRESTS”; Doubtful about: USA INC. REMOVAL”: Doubtful about : “NWO POWER DIMINISHED” .. Some specific
knowledge, facts, or other, would be most welcome. JL

Operation Rubicon
Operation Rubicon
2 years ago

WAKE UP, people. You are being PROGRAMMED!
Who coined the term hopium?According to Know Your Meme , Hopium was first used on December 1, 2010, when Zero Hedge website contributor Tyler Durden published an article criticizing Goldman Sachs for their position on the economy. In the piece, Durden uses the term “hopium” to describe Goldman’s outlook as one based on false hope.
Hopium is a word derived from copium. It often means that someone is addicted to false hope or irrational and potentially annoying optimism. It can also refer to a state of self-pity someone with delusions may find themself in when they don’t reach the potential they once believed themselves to have had.
People who believe the bullshit coming out from various outlets such as the X22 Report, Hal Turner, QAnon, Juan O. Savin, and Restored Republic via a GCR are Hopium Addicts.
These sites are controlled opposition psyops sites operated by the globalists to give their viewers FALSE HOPE.
NO ONE but YOU is coming to save you.

Hopium definition.jpg
2 years ago

Where do I find the Wells Fargo Group List??

paula cannon
paula cannon
2 years ago

about time everyone does runs on the banks and then stop paying all bills

Renee Arendas
2 years ago

I’m tired of watching people I know get more injections, watching friends being strung along while doctors are STILL ALLOWED to KILL people with breathing tubes and rendesivair, buy food pay bills, etc etc etc. I lost my job because I refused the vaccine and was required to wear a mask continuously thru out my 20 hour work day. I worked for a defense contractor and assembled turret valves for army tanks..a job I loved and was proud of doing and did very well. I watch the sad movie that’s sickening and see lots of misery. Why can’t our military step in? Even if it’s to dole out hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and a dose of truth about how they have been taken by big pharma and their doctors. You know ” The Truth!!
There is so little Truth in this world right now and your not helping just stringing us along. Make sure you have supplies..I’ve heard and stocked up for a year and a half. I laugh when I hear you say something is going to happen. My sister has been a nurse all her life, she told me when swine flu hit they asked her at the hospital to get a vaccine her reply was No. She told me then they weren’t going to put that garbage in her body. Because none of military took control on the TV and stood up about the vaccines and told the American people the truth and took no action the show goes on. Over the years my sister somehow became brainwashed. She’s had two shots and now a booster. Since childhood when our parents died she has been my rock. I try to warn her. I tried to make her remember what she told me about the swine flu vac..she doesn’t remember. This is just a small part of my story and dosnt even touch what I see happening. How are we supposed to ascend into better beings when the corupt show never ends. I’ve had more than enough, the popcorn has a bad taste in my mouth watching what’s real in front of my eyes or are we to wait for a certain percentage of people to die before goodness is allowed. To me this is just as evil as what the deep state is doing. The msm can be stopped to at least let people know the truth about the vax & Drs. Why aren’t doctors being arrested? Why are you allowing more suffering? Aren’t you being complicit allowing this suffering to continue? I pray throughout the day. I understand you just report but you have kicked the can do much it’s just a pebble to me, not your fault. But how many times have we heard from you Trump is returning, JFK Jr is unveiling himself, tier 4B next week , eyc..etc..etc.Your the little boy crying wolf. Before I lost my job and had to go on SS and get a little part time job to survive need I say in today’s economy it’s just more sad sickness due to the movie. So how much more sick does it have to get? I will never give up on God as I could go on for days with the miracles that have happened in my life he is very compassionate and real. But this movie needs some reality, the real everyday commoners need Truth and help especially now they are hurting their children. It’s gone bad and way too far. Sorry about the donation I’m broke. Bring President Trump Back! End the stupid show it’s turning into a horror flick and not waking anyone up, just lowering the vibration on the planet. Stop it.

2 years ago


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